Recognised® Environmental Credentials SchemeThe Recognised® – Environmental Credentials Scheme is a voluntary accreditation to identify environmentally preferable commercial cleaning products, developed by Accord Australasia (Accord)*.
Recognised® products have undergone independent third-party scientific assessment against a rigorous multiple-criteria Standard. Recognised® was reviewed by an independent panel of expert toxicologists as a “sound and robust…science-based, targeted and pragmatic set of criteria”, coupled with a “sound and transparent” third-party scientific accreditation process. Applicants submit formulation/s details to the third-party assessor for scientific assessment against the Standard Criteria. Detailed information on the process and associated costs are provided on the How to Apply and Fees tabs above respectively. Following this assessment, Accord is notified of the outcome. The outcome of a successful application will be the permission to purchase a license from Accord for the use of the unique logo on the product packaging. All licensed products are listed on the online register. Davoren Environmental is acting as the independent third-party assessor. *Accord is the national industry association representing manufacturers and suppliers of hygiene, cosmetic and specialty products, their raw material suppliers and service providers. Here's a video summarising the scheme: Applications for the Recognised® Environmental Credentials Scheme are submitted via this secure website (click the New Application button on the right). The applicant is required to submit relevant supporting documentation with each new application.
The third-party assessment process consists of two parts which are briefly described below: Screening Assessment To determine if the product meets the scope of the Recognised® scheme, and that the application form has been completed correctly and contains all necessary information. The goal of the process is to verify the information supplied by the client is sufficient to proceed to the full technical assessment. Technical Assessment This will determine whether the product meets the Standard Criteria of the Recognised® scheme. The simplified schematic below outlines the process where an application is assessed as meeting the requirements of the Recognised® scheme. During the process an application may be considered to contain inadequate information during the screening process (i.e. Screening Failure Notification) or may be found to not meet one or more of the Standard Criteria during the technical assessment phase (Rejection Notification). The applicant is notified of the progress of their application throughout the process by means of standardised emails. Further detailed information on the application process and how to apply can be found here Guidance on Applying for the Recognised® Environmental Credentials Scheme. Accord is also informed of the progress of the application but no confidential information on the application is provided to them, and the assessment is always conducted at arms-length from the administering body Accord. Advice on the variation to a formulation that is permissible under an existing Licence, and regarding when a new application is required, is set out in the Guidance Note on Formulation Variations. If, following review of the Guidance Note, the Applicant determines that the new formulation qualifies as a minor variation, no further third party assessment is required. The Applicant should submit the Variation Certification Form to Accord, which confirms the product meets the minor variation criteria. Note: If an application does not meet the definition of a minor variation according to the Guidance Note on Formulation Variations, the Applicant is required to lodge a separate application to Davoren Environmental for which the Screening Fee applies. Davoren Environmental will determine whether the variation between the formulations is considered consequential or inconsequential. If the variation is found to be inconsequential, no further assessment is required. If the variation is found to be consequential, the application requires a full Technical Assessment for which the Technical Assessment fee will apply.
Please note, additional Screening fees will apply if an application is re-lodged following a screening failure notification.
Licence RenewalFees for renewal licences will depend on any changes in the formulation, outlined in the table below. All licence renewal applications should be submitted online by clicking the Licence renewal button to the right.
Prior to expiry of a current Recognised® licence, licence-holders can apply for licence renewal as per the Guidance Document on Recognised® Licence Renewal.
Applications for Renewals of the Recognised® Environmental Credentials Scheme are submitted by clicking the Licence Renewal button to the right. |